precisely imperfect life
Welcome to SHIFT/storm! This space is created for women. The vision is to help like-minded women overcome the fear of not meeting societal expectations through a focus on self betterment & family, minus the self abandonment. The courses are designed to take you on journey back to yourself. Everything is create for women, by a woman.
The goal is a journey of self discovery that will guide you through the process of letting go of stories that no longer serve you, beliefs that never belonged to you and conditioning that is not for you.
Find clarity, purpose and radical authenticity now. It’s time to SHIFT all over the place. UNLEASH your inner radiance.
Radiant. Attuned. Distinct.
upcoming course
A Journey Through Queen’s Code
Available July 2024
To find out where you are going, you must first remember who you are.
About me
I began this coaching program with one goal in mind: to help women find contentment in their work, relationships, and life. My background in teaching and physical fitness combined with my personal interest in self-growth allows me to help others refine their lives.
I believe in the philosophy of:
“Show them where to look, but don’t tell them what to see.”
there are no rules
Growth is not glamorous. It’s vulnerable and valleyed. It comes with ups & downs, good and bad days, and the weight of judgement from others and from self. Do it anyway.
Find a new paradigm where they is peace & authenticity.
If you desire change, the first step is with yourself.
I’d love to help you find your new path or your path back to yourself. See how you can work with me to find your femininity, create clear goals and vision, and create routines that help you achieve them.